Meet Amy Colo
Passionate Educator and Abdominal Therapist

Always a Midwife…
I’ve been providing body-centered care of one kind or another to women and families since 1993. I recently moved to Port Townsend, WA to be near my daughter and her family. I’ve opened a small bodywork practice here.
As a homebirth midwife for twenty-five years, the most fulfilling aspect of my job was my relationships – the intimate connections I made with my clients as guide and witness to their birthing journeys.
Though I’ve retired from catching babies, I continue the deep connections and guidance for women of all ages and stages in life. For optimal health, we all need to live in our bodies, trust them, nurture, thank and enjoy them. Embodied confidence is our birthright and it can be discovered and developed at any age. I now hold the container for my clients as they find their ways home to themselves.
I began my studies with Rosita Arvigo in 2002, and I love my work as an Abdominal Therapist! I am honored to be the midwife for every client’s unique healing journey.
I also love to teach and assist people on their professional journeys. I offer Abdominal Therapy Professional Workshops in Colorado, Washington and Oregon.
I’m a founding member of the Abdominal Therapy Collective. I helped develop professional courses in our basic techniques, and co-authored our Advanced Pregnancy workshop.
Otherwise, I spend as much time as possible outdoors hiking, backpacking, paddling and reveling in the beauty of my new backyard.
Education and Background
I grew up in New England and moved to Boulder, Colorado in 1983. I brought with me a Bachelor’s degree in Religious Studies with an emphasis on the spiritual roots of traditional healing practices. I have since become a Certified Professional Midwife (CPM), a Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT) and an Instructor of professional Abdominal Therapy courses. I’ve trained in Shiatsu and Craniosacral Therapy… also many forms of yoga, dance and fitness.
I carried, birthed and raised two amazing children. The first was born by cesarean in 1986. The second was born at home (VBAC) three years later. She’s now a midwife in Tacoma, and I’m one proud grandma!